Week 12: Suprise!
I had a really good prompt in mind for Week 12... and I was actually working on it when I got a text at 7.59am from my sister that said: Hi all, just to let you know bubs arrived at 8.52pm yesterday 5lb 13oz. All doing well after great delivery. Name yet to be confirmed :)
Talk about a SURPRISE!!! 'Bubs' wasn't due for another 3 weeks!!
The journaling reads: Last Sunday I was busy in my craft room when I got a text from my sister. Luckily I checked it straight away because it contained a BIG surprise!
My new niece was born 3 weeks early!!!
The girls and I did a quick trip over to see everyone and meet the latest addition to our family :)
When we arrived at Mum's we got another SUPRISE because my other sister and her family were already there! I got to have LOTS of cuddles with my nephew and play with the 'bigger' kids too!
Usually I don't like surprises... but these ones were definitely welcome!
After a couple of days my wee niece got a new name. Welcome to the family:
Jessica (Jessy) Mackenzie
Miss Kody is a very proud big sister who just loves 'her' new baby :)
Jessy is now settling into family life at home with her Mum, Dad and big sister. Kody dotes on her and wants to touch her constantly. She's very proud of her little sister and is quite taken with her. I'm sure there's going to be lots of layouts to come of this pair of girls!!!
Week 13: Reunite
Over the past 6 months or so the girls and I have felt a bit fractured from each other and the signs have been there but we've been plodding along... and this week it all came to a head!
Krystal had a 'mini meltdown' last Sunday just before we left to come home and we've all been feeling the strain of not connecting with each other. The journaling reads: The girls and I have been a TEAM for a really long time. Over the years it's always been 'The Three of Us'.
When Dave moved in the dynamics of our family changed... some positives and some negatives formed. But after Dave left we just seemed to COAST. And like a ship with no sails we landed on the rocks!
On Friday I didn't get home from school until 8.30pm and I got a shock!!! The house was a MESS but it wasn't so much that... it was more that Krystal and Mikayla were in their pj's plaing on their computer and playstation and NOTHING was getting done!
So in true 'Shell style' I lost the plot! I was so angry about it all... not just the girls... but my part in ALLOWING it to get this bad!!!
So we sat... I talked... the girls listened... REALLY listened! And we made some plans and goals for ourselves.
24 hours later... our house is a HOME again! It's clean and tidy, we're all smiling and feeling happy :) Our team is REUNITED and our ship is in 'full sail' once again. The best part is that we're WORKING TOGETHER to get things done!
Now almost 48 hours later... our home is a really nice place to be! It's not just clean and tidy... it's calm! We all feel more relaxed and 'together'. Friday night wasn't nice... but I think we needed to experience that to get to where we are today.
Last night we got some take out Pizza and chilled out together. We all slept in beds with freshly laundered sheets... no mess anywhere... and today has gone so much smoother than it has for a long time!
Now it's time for me to go because I promised the girls I'd cook them a home cooked chicken roast with roast potatoes, kumara, gravy and my own special recipe stuffing!!! YUM :)
So now you've all got two prompts to work on... looking forward to seeing what you all do with them!
Have a great week... Shell xx