The other day I looked at my 'to do' list... and it was LONG! And I realised that short of getting an extra couple of hours in a day (I wish!), going without sleep (not a good idea!) or living on 'party pills' (never tried them and never will!!) there was just NO WAY that I was ever going to get everything done... and I hit a brick wall (metaphorically speaking).
Teri Hatcher talked about the whole 'limits' thing in her book too... somehow I think it's a universal problem... especially for women (sexist? YES! true? YES!) Teri Hatcher wrote: You try to survive as best you can, and sometimes you're proud just to make it back to bed. But you can't let every day be about what you have to get done that day. Even if you manage to check everything off the list, does that make it a good day? Really? Or is it just a step forward on the treadmill that is constantly trying to carry you backward? Isn't it hard to feel like you're living your life when you're just doing what it takes to get by? ..... You're so focused on what needs to get done that you lose track of who you are. Forget not seeing the forest for the trees. You're not seeing the forest because who has time for a friggin' hike?
And that got me!!! I haven't been 'hiking' lately!!! I've been working, designing, organising, sorting, putting classes together... and I've forgotten to 'hike'! So this week I did something that I don't normally do (you'll see that on my page in just a sec) and then yesterday I spent the WHOLE day in my craft room... and it felt GREAT! I did something that I really wanted to do... something I've been putting off for ages... and last night I finished it... and I LOVE IT!!!
And today I feel great! I feel like I can get everything done! This morning I got up and put my page together and it feels good to document the lesson I've learned!
The journaling reads: I push my limits constantly!!! I didn't always do that!!! It's a habit I've LEARNED. Years ago I read Jonathan Livingstone Seagull and this piece really grabbed me:
"I just want to know what I can do in the air and what I can't, that's all. I just want to know."
And I'm like that too!! So I push my limits... I know where my limits are... but I'm constantly trying to push PAST them... and sometimes they push BACK! Sometimes instead of having 'just one more piece' to fit into the jigsaw you end up dropping the whole thing!
So... I asked for HELP! That's a scary thing for me! What if they said NO? What if they thought I was WEAK? What if they LAUGHED at me?
But I asked anyway... I HAD to because otherwise nothing was going to get done! And you know what... they DIDN'T laugh at me... they DIDN'T think I was weak... they actually said YES!! AND they felt HONOURED that I'd asked them!
So... did I get everything done?? Not quite.. BUT now everything is MANAGEABLE! I'm making progress AND I have friends that I can depend on!!!
It's been a big lesson! It WAS scary! But I did it anyway! And the world didn't end because I admitted that I couldn't do everything by myself. That's BIG!! I don't think it will ever get EASY to ask for help.. but I do know that next time I'm in a situation like this I won't find it quite as scary!
I'm feeling pretty lucky to have such wonderful friends! I feel quite humbled that they would be so generous with their time and energy to help me! So a big THANK YOU goes out to you!!!
While on the subject of friends... I have a lovely friend called Esther (Hi Petal!) who just LOVES jigsaw puzzle pieces.... they're her 'signature' on all her creations so I thought I'd better show you a close up of the jigsaw piece I put on my page this week:
The puzzle piece is made from MDF and I inked it with some distress ink... stamped a 'crackle' background onto it and then stamped a wee owl on top. Next I stamped lots of leaves and twigs around him to remind myself about 'not seeing the forest for the trees'.
So now it's YOUR turn! Do you push your limits??? If you're following along and you have a blog I'd love to see what you're doing with the prompts so please leave me a comment so I can visit you... and if you'd like to see what some of the girls on the forum are doing with them then please check out the gallery HERE.
Have a great week... and remember to do a bit of 'hiking'!
Shell xx
Well Done Shell :O)I can see this year is going to be a good one!!
Hey Shell.
Are you trying to make me cry? I sat here and nodded my head as I read the journaling! I just adore what you have done with the puzzle piece and if you ever need help with the pruning - call me xoxo
Wow, great page Shell.... very good journaling, I admire you!
Just a short note..... me and 8 more friends started a challengeblog, I know you love check it out if you like to.....
Hope to see you there!!
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