Two years ago I went to see the movie 'The Pursuit of Happyness' with one of my girlfriends and I found it to be a really powerful movie. I was totally amazed at how he (Chris Gardner) kept going in spite of everything that happened... and at the end of the movie there wasn't a dry eye in the theatre. It also gave me a new impression of Will Smith... totally LOVE his acting now!
If you haven't seen the movie then I highly recommend it... and it's suitable for everyone (only ONE swear word in the whole movie and it was totally in context!!!) I got the girls to watch it and they totally loved it as well... which brings me to this weeks prompt... HAPPY!
Last year wasn't an overly happy one in our household... everything seemed to be REALLY HARD WORK! We started the year off fine but it kind of just spiraled down out of control... this year feels completely different and I wanted to capture the feeling so here's my layout:
The journaling reads:
A couple of days ago I realised how HAPPY I am! I've had happy DAYS during the past year but right now I'm feeling really HAPPY... ALL THE TIME!
It's almost as if I needed to go through some rough times to fully appreciate what happiness FEELS like!
I'm having the BEST time at work! I find myself smiling a LOT! All the hard work Ash and I have put in is really paying off. It's such a GREAT feeling to be loving teaching again!
I'm happy at home too! The girls are happy, settled and enjoying being back at school. They are growing into independent young women with dreams and goals of their own.
I'm finally able to say that I'm happy being SINGLE! I feel like I can just be myself again.
It feels like my life is really getting on track... things are WORKING out fine. Right now anything feels POSSIBLE and I'm enjoying my life in a whole new way.
True happiness is a FANTASTIC feeling!!!
School really is going well... we've just had the best week! This year is a bit different too because Ash and I are team teaching.
We've got 54 kids between us and we're teaching them together. It's going really well because we're similar enough to have consistency but different enough that the kids are getting a really varied and interesting learning programme.
Ash is really good at maths, science and P.E. so he's taking the lead with those things while I'm taking the lead with reading, writing and art :) It's working out great... and the kids are really enjoying having both a male and female teacher... we've managed to get a great balance this year!
So now it's your turn... what makes you happy?
yah Shell - I'm very HAPPY for YOU :O) You are one person that really deserves it!!
That's great Shell - and I can tell you that your happiness and enthusiasm rub off too! xoxo
One of my all time favourite movies! :-D
Shell this is soooo very lovely:):)
And, I love the movie! Really changed my view of Will Smith's acting too LOL:)
You are such an amazing woman Shell and you deserve bucket loads of happiness and your not greedy you spread it around its def going to be your year and the next and.............. love being your friend you make me happy oxo
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