Monday, October 22, 2007

I love long weekends!!!

Here in New Zealand it's Labour Weekend and it's great to get an extra day of creativity into my weekend :) We've had a busy weekend and Miss 15 had her first driving lesson today! My heart beat has finally settled back to normal... I didn't realise how I would feel with her in the driving seat. I think we've got a lot more driving lessons to do yet LOL
Week 32: quiet. This prompt gave me a complete creative block. Our house is hardly ever quiet!!! With two teenage girls there always seems to be noise... it's not so much them talking it's all the stuff that goes with being a teenager... hair dryers, music (with lyrics I can't figure out!), the beep of the cell phone, playstation, videos playing etc. But then I realised that we do have a rule in our house... NOBODY is allowed out of their bedrooms until 6.30 because the early morning is 'My Time'. Thanks to the lovely Nie for the little owl she sent me in a 'Happy Mail' parcel... it was just perfect for this card!Week 33: 10 minutes! Talk about challenging!!! I think I'm a relatively quick scrapbooker but I've never timed myself... I just work on a layout and when it's finished I'm quite happy... I just didn't realise how quickly time flies when I'm being creative. I stuck to the 10 minutes fairly well... 40 seconds over time... but it was a lot of fun to create a little bit of art simply for the sake of creating. I think I might set myself more 'play time' to just give things a go and see what I end up with.Week 34: funny ha ha! I love to laugh! Sometimes it's just a quiet little laugh, sometimes a giggle and sometimes it's a kind of laugh! Had one of those moments today. My sister sent me a photo of my niece... Miss 18 months has just discovered tomato sauce and OMG she had it everywhere!!! Trac even had to wipe it off her eyebrows!!! How the heck do you get tomato sauce in your eye brows??? I'll definitely be scrapping those photos very soon!Week 35: Strength. Over the past couple of years I've noticed how much stronger I feel as a person. Sometimes when life is really tough you wonder how you're ever going to get through it but you do. I remember watching 'Castaway' and Tom Hanks' character said... "you just get up every morning and you breathe... and you keep on breathing and you do it all again tomorrow". And sometimes life is like that... I had a brain aneurysm in January 2000 and it didn’t look good at the time but I survived. I got stronger and I went on with my life. Sometimes people say “that’s amazing, I’d never have known”. To me that’s the whole point! I survived, I got strong and I’m not going to let circumstances define who I am!So that's my update. As always, thank you for your comments!!! Have a happy week :)


Jen said...

As always your cards are so great! Love the uniform look.

Marjolein said...

Wow, these are great! As always, just like Jenny says.. Love the look you have week after week.. Hey, you're an early bird like me... love that time, early in the morning, everybody still asleep, just me, my coffee and email/blogs!

Anonymous said...
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Paula J Atkinson said...

Great pages, but wk 33 is my absolute fav, just love that clock

Je@net said...

Great cards!! Specially the time one, love it!!!

Unknown said...

Awesome cards again this time around!

Lisbet said...

I´m a designer at K-JOI studios and I have been looking at your welldesign and most delicate designs layouts. I really would like to see them at the gallery because they are really great. So I invite you to K-JOI and post.

If you also visit my blog I really want to link to you – but then I need you to leave a comment there. I want to add you to my blog inspiration round.

Hope to se you, both at K-Joi and my blog.

Marjolein said...

Hi, is everything ok in New Zealand? I miss your cards for a couple of weeks now!!