Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Lots to share :)

I seem to have been inspired to get on with my cards over the last few days :) It's hard to believe that we've almost come to the end of this challenge... (and if you read this Emily) thank you so much for all the inspiration, ideas and creativity!!! Can't wait to see what you come up with next!

Week 43: Scary! Over the past few years I've worked really hard to eliminate things that scare me... and being a Mum eliminates and creates lots of scary things in itself... I don't squeal about cockroaches and spiders anymore... unless the kids aren't around! But teenage boys certainly scare me!!! So far we haven't had any 'boyfriends' dropping by... it's the idea of that starting that scares me!!

Week 44: Home. Those that know me know that I LOVE being at home! It's one of my most favourite places in the world. I love being able to do what I want to do around my home and I love that I feel safe and secure :) I love having my things around me and I love that my home is filled with things that mean a lot to me. I also really love that my home reflects my family - especially my relationships with my girls. I also love that my home really does inspire me to be creative!Week 45: Self realisation! Oh my goodness... that is a biggie!! I've realised a lot about myself over the past couple of years like: even though I've resented having to have routines they actually help me feel in control of my life... If I write myself a 'to do' list I really do accomplish what I set out to do... I'm pretty good at home improvements... and I'm learning to be really ok with who I am! The biggest realisation lately is that I have a really great life! I have two amazing daughters, a loving family, a great home, a career I enjoy and life really is pretty fantastic!Week 46: rejuvenation. I love feeling rejuvenated... It makes me feel like I'm full of energy, inspired to create and completely at one with myself :) What I'm learning is that lots of different things create that feeling for me... sometimes it's taking a walk on the beach and being surrounded by nature... sometimes it's chilling out with my girls or playing with my nephew and nieces... sometimes it's reading an inspiring book or watching a really great movie like The Pursuit of Happiness... that movie always makes me feel incredibly grateful for what I have as well as totally moves me to tears! If you haven't seen it I would highly recommend it!!!I'm going to break with the norm a bit here and share a layout with you... and it fits perfectly between Weeks 46 & 47 because it's about the place where I feel happiest and how it helps me to restore myself. Hope you like it!Week 47: my happy place! Of course that has to be the beach! I love walking along the beach and collecting all sorts of different 'treasures'. I'm forever looking down at my feet while I'm on the beach in case something beautiful has been washed up by the waves. I love writing words in the sand and I love that it makes me feel calm, centred, and whole!Week 48: ideas!!! I really enjoyed this prompt... mostly because I love having ideas. I've stopped worrying about whether or not my ideas make sense to other people... and I've stopped being so concerned with whether or not they actually work... these days I'm simply happy to have an idea and see where it leads me. I've learnt the hard way that I get lots of ideas while I'm asleep so now I keep a notebook beside my bed because however much I try I just can't seem to remember those 'unforgetable' ideas in the morning! So that's my update... thanks for visiting and I'd love to hear your comments :) Until next time, happy creating :)

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Finally another update!

I've been so busy lately that I have really neglected my Deck of Me cards completely. The other day I got a quick note from Marjolein just asking if everything was alright and it gave me the prompt I needed to get going again so thanks Marjolein... I REALLY did need it!

Week 36: Life is beautiful! I've been so busy over the past couple of months with work, kids and various projects that I haven't really taken the time to appreciate just how beautiful life really is. Sometimes it's easy to forget that life has so much to offer so today I took a 'Mental Health' day. A day just for me... no work, no kids, no nothing... just me in my scrap room and I LOVED it! I feel much more balanced now and more ready to take on the challenges leading up to Christmas. I even tried out a new technique (new for me that is!)... I embossed the pattered paper with the cuttlebug scroll folder... totally loving that new toy! Then I used white StazOn to stamp onto some transparency. Really love the effect and thinking it might look good on greeting cards as well.Week 37: draw something. I've always loved 'creating' stuff. At school the best part of doing projects for me was doing the title pages and borders. I learnt to colour in quickly and I've always been a 'doodler' while on the phone BUT I've never been a drawer! It wasn't until I was at teachers college that I finally found the ability to draw something that mildly looked the way it was supposed to. Over the last few months I've been loving butterflies so I thought I'd give it a go and I'm really pleased with how it turned out. I used watercolour pencils a zig pen and finished it off with a little bit of bling for the body :)Week 38: I wonder. I think/wonder about a lot of things... what my life will be like in 5 years time... what if I won LOTTO (I like wondering about that one LOL)... what life would be like without kids (mostly think that one on a bad day!)... what if I'd never gotten divorced (can't imagine still being married to the ex!)... but mostly I think what the girls will do career wise once they leave school... will they be able to look after themselves out in the 'real world'?... have I done a good enough job raising them for them to be able to stand on their own two feet?... will they be happy?? I definitely hope so!Week 39: someone special. I've been really lucky in my life to have a lot of people that have been very special to me. My great grandmother (Nana) was the first person I thought the sun shone out of :) I'm related to a few wonderful people... I'm related to a few nutcases as well!! And I've had some really special friends over the years! This time I thought I'd dedicate a card to my relationship with Dave. We've known each other our whole lives (I'm only a few weeks older than him), we've loved each other, tried living together, gone our separate ways for 10 years, gotten back together and tried living together again but it just never seems to work out the way we hope it will. In some ways we're really alike and at our best we are best friends... we sit up and talk to each other until sunrise regularly and we enjoy lots of the same things. At our worst we can't stand each other... nobody else can make me as annoyed as Dave! He really knows how to push my buttons!!! But in spite of all that there is an invisible link between us that has lasted for 37 years. I don't know what the future holds but I do know that he will always be important to me.Week 40: Not anymore. Not anymore will I wear glasses in public... not anymore will I be pregnant... not anymore will I eat food I don't like just to be polite! But more than anything... not anymore will I live my life based on what others think!!! This has been a hard one for me and something I've been working on a lot over the past 18 months. I'm learning to stand up for what I want and need. I'm learning that I don't have to be liked by everyone. I'm learning to follow my dreams and I'm learning to live my life based on MY beliefs. I'm getting there... I'm making progress... I'm learning a lot about myself and I'm really beginning to understand WHO I really am. It's a journey... it's hard work at times but it's really, really worth it!Week 41: Magic carpet. If I had a magic carpet where would I go??? ITALY!! I've never had the desire to travel... I was quite happy to get married at 19 and settle down. Lately though when I think of the girls leaving home (luckily it's still a few years off yet!) I think about what I would like to do... and I'm thinking that I'd live to explore some places that interest me. I'd like to go to Europe and see some of the amazing things I've only seen via TV and the internet. Mostly I'd love to go to Italy! I'd like to eat fresh pasta made the traditional Italian way... I'd like to visit the wineries and drink some of the local wines... I'd like to explore the art world and visit local markets. Maybe I should go and learn to speak Italian!Week 42: a grateful week! I've made it a routine now that when I go to bed I think of at least 3 things that I feel grateful for. Some days I barely get me 3 and other days I get to 30 in the blink of an eye... it all seems to depend on what's happened that day and how I'm feeling. Having an 'attitude of gratitude' really does work for me! So that's my update... I'm feeling really good again now :) It's amazing how just a few hours to yourself can make such a big difference! Thanks again Marjolein!!

Monday, October 22, 2007

I love long weekends!!!

Here in New Zealand it's Labour Weekend and it's great to get an extra day of creativity into my weekend :) We've had a busy weekend and Miss 15 had her first driving lesson today! My heart beat has finally settled back to normal... I didn't realise how I would feel with her in the driving seat. I think we've got a lot more driving lessons to do yet LOL
Week 32: quiet. This prompt gave me a complete creative block. Our house is hardly ever quiet!!! With two teenage girls there always seems to be noise... it's not so much them talking it's all the stuff that goes with being a teenager... hair dryers, music (with lyrics I can't figure out!), the beep of the cell phone, playstation, videos playing etc. But then I realised that we do have a rule in our house... NOBODY is allowed out of their bedrooms until 6.30 because the early morning is 'My Time'. Thanks to the lovely Nie for the little owl she sent me in a 'Happy Mail' parcel... it was just perfect for this card!Week 33: 10 minutes! Talk about challenging!!! I think I'm a relatively quick scrapbooker but I've never timed myself... I just work on a layout and when it's finished I'm quite happy... I just didn't realise how quickly time flies when I'm being creative. I stuck to the 10 minutes fairly well... 40 seconds over time... but it was a lot of fun to create a little bit of art simply for the sake of creating. I think I might set myself more 'play time' to just give things a go and see what I end up with.Week 34: funny ha ha! I love to laugh! Sometimes it's just a quiet little laugh, sometimes a giggle and sometimes it's a kind of laugh! Had one of those moments today. My sister sent me a photo of my niece... Miss 18 months has just discovered tomato sauce and OMG she had it everywhere!!! Trac even had to wipe it off her eyebrows!!! How the heck do you get tomato sauce in your eye brows??? I'll definitely be scrapping those photos very soon!Week 35: Strength. Over the past couple of years I've noticed how much stronger I feel as a person. Sometimes when life is really tough you wonder how you're ever going to get through it but you do. I remember watching 'Castaway' and Tom Hanks' character said... "you just get up every morning and you breathe... and you keep on breathing and you do it all again tomorrow". And sometimes life is like that... I had a brain aneurysm in January 2000 and it didn’t look good at the time but I survived. I got stronger and I went on with my life. Sometimes people say “that’s amazing, I’d never have known”. To me that’s the whole point! I survived, I got strong and I’m not going to let circumstances define who I am!So that's my update. As always, thank you for your comments!!! Have a happy week :)

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Time to update

Well it's been a busy couple of weeks here!! I flew down to Christchurch on Thursday night for SENZ and it was fabulous! I've discovered that I really love flying and definitely want to travel more in the future!

I had a great 4 days away but I've been really, really tired since I got back so I only have three cards to share this time. Hopefully my energy will return over the weekend and I can get some more creating done... got HEAPS of ideas just need the time and energy to get them done LOL

Week 29: define perfection! I often tell my girls that nothing is perfect but actually some things are! Things seem perfect in those moments when your heart just wants to burst with happiness and you can't imagine that life can get any better than it is right at that moment! I often get that feeling when I'm playing with my nieces and nephew or hanging out with my girls. It's hearing 'I love you Mum/Auntie' just because! It's appreciating the end of a fantastic day or sitting by the fire in winter knowing that it's really cold and wet outside but you're snuggled up cozy and warm with the people you care about. And it's the feeling I get when I've finished a scrapbooking project and I'm really pleased with the end result :)
Week 30: count them! (blessings that is). I've been thinking a lot lately about my life and how 'blessed' I am to lead the life I'm living. I remember hearing about having an 'attitude of gratitude' and I think it's one of the most powerful things I do in my day to day life. I have a family who are important to me, creative talents that let me express myself, the ability to achieve my goals and the dream of what could be.Week 31: no regrets. Are there things I wish I hadn't done in my life? Definitely!!! Do I regret them? A few. But mostly I think that the things I've done (good and bad) have helped me to be the person I am today. I'm stronger than I was at 20... I think I'm wiser!... and I'm definitely happier!!! I remember reading Johnathan Livingstone Seagull a few years ago and it was a really powerful book for me at that time. My favourite quote from the book is: "I just want to know what I can do in the air and what I can't, that's all. I just want to know!" I feel like that in my life too... I just want to know what I can do and what I can't... and I love discovering the answers!!!Well that's my update! Just so you know.... I kept my Week 29 prompt (goal of the week) on my desk last week while I was getting ready for SENZ and it really did help me to get myself organised! Have a great week everyone :)

Thursday, October 4, 2007

The mojo is flowing!

Getting away for a few days camping has really refreshed the creative spirit in me. I'm bursting with ideas and everything seems to be flowing really well at the moment! I know I only updated my blogs yesterday but I've been busy making cards for these prompts and just had to share :)

Week 23: right now. Well apart from the mojo flowing (long may it last!) I'm feeling really grateful for a lot of simple things at the moment. When Miss 12 and I got back from camping we desperately wanted hot showers... and we could have them at the turn of a knob! Light was no problem... just flick the switch! Flushable toilets... heaven!... there is just no way to squat elegantly over a long drop!!! I honestly do love camping... getting away from civilisation, exploring, and collecting little 'treasures' but there really is no place like home... with all its little creature comforts!Week 24: remember when... Lots of things popped into my head for this one: Remember when I didn't have kids? Remember when I was a teenager? Remember when I was learning to drive? (Miss 15 has just got her Learners Licence!) In the end I chose... Remember when we lived on the farm. We had a pretty good lifestyle growing up... lots of fresh air, space to play and huge amounts of imagination! We used to make huts in the hay barn and build tunnels which never failed to annoy our father! We had a huge amount of freedom and it was a completely different life to what my own girls have had. One funny story (at least for me and Trac!) was when we had our horse Laddie... he wasn't a big horse but he was a lot of fun. This particular day we were out in the paddock annoying him and he had enough and chased us. It wasn't so bad for me and Trac... we took off and got through the fence... BUT Kate was only little and her legs couldn't move as far as ours... she got her top half through the fence and then Laddie bit her on the bum! She howled and cried and we made sure she didn't tell Mum cause we knew we'd be in trouble but that night she just couldn't sit down so Mum checked it out and one butt cheek was completely bruised!!! It's funny now but it sure wasn't at the time!Week 25: a photo that means something to you. It's true that most of the photos I have tell a story. When I look at them I can remember how I felt, or what was going on... a million memories come to mind with most of my photos. Then I came across the photos of my graduation from Teachers College. I remember feeling really proud for finally finishing something and sticking with it even though it was hard at times. I'm pretty sure I was talking to Trac (my sister) on the phone and telling her how it had all gone because she couldn't be there to see it... and I wasn't letting that Diploma out of my hands!Week 26: Celebrating daughters. Loved this prompt!!! The first photo was taken when they were 5 & 3 and they were being flower girls for their Grandma's wedding... the second photo was taken when they were 12 & 10 and they were junior bridesmaids for their Auntie's wedding. I can't believe how quickly they've grown up! A few years ago I wrote a poem for a layout I did about my girls and thought I'd share it with you:

Two little girls sent down from above

For me to watch over and cherish and love

Both of them beautiful and clever and kind

Both of them have a very strong mind

One of them dark the other one blonde

And we have between us a very strong bond

A decade has passed since we've been on our own

In less than the next one they both will have flown.

Week 27: junk mail. My kids love it!!! They like seeing what specials Dominoes, Pizza Hut, McDonalds etc are having... and they casually remark on 'what good deals they are'... meanwhile knowing that they don't really have a snowballs chance of getting it LOL. Most of the time the junk mail goes in the bin but every now and then something unsolicited arrives that catches my eye... Telecom have been doing some great junk mail with lots of doodling on it lately!
Week 28: goal of the week. This was a very easy prompt... my goal for the next week is to get everything organised because I'm off to SENZ!!! For those of you who are overseas, SENZ is a scrapbooking event (similar to CHA I think?) They held one in Auckland in May but I couldn't go because Miss 15 was having her birthday so I booked tickets to go to the Christchurch event. That meant I had to book flights too... yippee!! I haven't been on a plane for 20 years!!! So exciting! I'm flying down next Thursday night with a stop over in Wellington. Friday morning SENZ begins and I'm booked into a class at 9am... it goes all day Friday, Saturday and Sunday... it will be like scrapbook heaven for me! Then I'm flying home again on Monday. So looking forward to it but there's heaps to do before I go so I've made my list and I'm going to keep this weeks card visible so that I'll remember to do everything!Hope you are all enjoying the prompts as much as me! I'm finding them really awesome for journaling about things I wouldn't normally write about and I'm sure when I look back at them in the future they will give a real insight into what was going on in my life right now... actually it's almost like a time capsule! Happy crafting everyone :)

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

More Creativity!

I've just had the most brilliant 4 days away camping... actually the weather was shocking (torrential rain, hail and 100km winds!) but it was brilliant for getting away from civilisation for a few days and restoring the batteries so to speak! Here's a few more cards that I've done... hope you like them :)

Week 19: surprise! This was absolutely perfect timing for me. My sister is pregnant with her third baby and I was lucky enough to go to her scan and 'surprise' it's a boy! She's got a son (5) and a daughter (18 months) so it will be lovely to have another little boy in the family... especially since we're a family of three girls and I have two girls and our other sister has a baby girl as well. We need some more boys to balance things out a bit! I also took the opportunity to journal about being an Auntie which is one of my favourite roles in life. I adore being an Auntie!!!

Week 20: change. So many things in life change and over the years I think I've adapted really well to the different stages I've had to go through. One of the biggest changes in my life at the moment is the changing of dreams! For the past 10 years I've been teaching primary students (mostly 8 - 11 year olds) and I used to really love it but for the last couple of years I have felt like I'm simply 'going through the motions' and it's time to make some big changes... as the stamp on the card says: it's the journey not the destination!Week 21: your redeeming qualities/qualities you aspire towards. This prompt really got me thinking! I asked Miss 15 what she saw as my strengths and was quite blown away with her response (have to say it was a real boost to my self esteem!)... and then I thought about what qualities I would like to have... that was a bit easier... my step-dad used to say: Most people show you what not to do and only a few show you what you want to be like. He's quite right too! My sister (Trac) is a really good role model of what I want to be like and I think I've become more like her in the last few years... with some mixed reactions from other people! But I'm definitely becoming more the person that I want to be!Week 22: what would you like to learn? Another thought provoking prompt... there are so many things I'd like to try... just to see if I like them but more than anything I want to learn to take one day at a time... to relax and enjoy the special moments that happen every day and to fully appreciate how wonderful life really is!So that's my update... I've still got a little way to go before I catch up but I'm happy with how it's all going and I'm really enjoying hearing what you all think of my cards. Thank you for your comments because they really do mean a lot to me :)

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Loving the school holidays!

It's true that I enjoy teaching but it's equally true that I love having school holidays! I seem to get so much more done... and I have heaps of time for scrapping :) I'm still loving the challenges... and I seem to be catching up quite quickly now so here's the next installment!

Week 14: birds. It's just turning into spring here and we've got tui's outside every morning. They're singing is so beautiful and the blossoms are stunning. It made me think about all the little baby chicks being born... and then I thought about my own 'chicks'. They're growing up so quickly and they're really beginning to think about what they want out of life. I remember being that age myself and it really doesn't seem that long ago!

Week 15: your parents. Hmm this was actually a hard one! It made me really think about what we inherit from our parents and the whole 'nature vs nuture' thing... especially with having a step dad who definitely has had an influence on my life as well! My sisters and I have inherited several different 'cultures' (Scottish, Irish, Romany Gypsy, Maori, American the list goes on!) all wrapped up in the 'kiwi culture' so I focussed on the two cultures I most identify with.Week 16: get someone else to contribute. My daughter Krystal (15) is becoming a very talented scrapbooker! The other day she made an album about her school friends and she did this amazing cover that was stamped, embossed and then stitched. It was absolutely gorgeous so I got her to do the artwork for my card. Thank you Krystal! I'm so proud of your talents :)Week 17: your bedroom. We rented a house about 4 years ago that I absolutely loved. It was an old state house that had been renovated so it had big bedrooms and lots of polished wood. The house had a great feel and awesome french doors that led into the front garden. While we lived there I took heaps of photos of the house because I knew that one day I would like to have a house like that and I'm so pleased I did because I used them for this weeks card. It was also a good time to journal about some of my most precious possessions: I was really close to my Great-Grandmother and when I was 2 she gave me a beautiful walkie-talkie doll that I've still got. When she died she left me her dressing table and it's lovely... one day I'm going to get it restored. Then a few years ago my Grandmother gave me a huge print of the 'Gypsy Queen' which I have always loved. Week 18: nature. Darn it! I did a card about that in Week 13 (what's on your mind?). This time I focussed on being in nature and how it makes you realise how much 'bigger' the universe is compared with your part in it. Nature has always been really important to me... probably a throw-back to growing up on a farm! When I'm really upset, or angry, or sad I usually turn to nature to help me through. So that's my update. Hope you all enjoy the cards and thanks again for all the wonderful comments... I love hearing what you think of my work :)

Monday, September 24, 2007

More Creativity :)

This challenge is definitely making me think about my life. I'm really enjoying the prompts although at times it's hard to decide what I want to focus on! I'm loving hearing what you all think of the cards too... thank you so much for the positive feedback!!! I've managed to do another four cards this week so here's the update:
Week 10: note to self. At first I was going to journal all those little things that if you could go back in time you would tell yourself... but that might have been a journal in itself! Instead I decided to use it as a reminder of the important things to me... and when I thought about it most of those were the really simple things in life.
Week 11: your initial. What a cool prompt! I've always liked the letter S. I think it's the curvy line and it's kind of scripty... and as a kid I always like the different ways you could make it look fancy :) Plus it looks great in a signature!

Week 12: I believe... There were quite a few options for this prompt... I believe that good manners are important... I believe that children often show us how to be happy... I believe that family can be one of our greatest gifts (or the greatest bug bears!) but in the end I chose believing in my dreams! I honestly think that when you do something passionately and with your whole heart then you really can't fail!

Week 13: What's on your mind? Lately I've had so many ideas running around in my head... ideas for layouts, projects I want to do, things I have to do and at times it's felt like my mind is going to explode... so with that in mind I chose thinking about the quiet times... rejuvenating by walking along the beach or through the forests and taking time to clear my thoughts so that I can focus clearly on the next thing.

Thanks again for all your wonderful comments :) I'm off to get some more creating done!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Loving this challenge

First of all... THANK YOU to all the people who commented on my first post. I've been so inspired and creating that I haven't had a chance to leave you all comments on your blogs but I just wanted to say that I really appreciate all the great feedback!

Here is the next installment on my cards - I'm up to Week 9 now so hopefully I'll catch up relatively quickly.

Week 5: use some ephemera from your week. At first I was going to use stamps and journal about how much I love getting 'happy mail'... things like circle journals, ATC's etc and then the other morning I was putting in my contact lenses and realised that the seal on the pack was the perfect size for my card! Wearing glasses at 9 was so not cool back in the late 70's - Harry Potter hadn't come and waved his wand yet and I can still hear the kids teasing and my teacher (Mr Brown) explain to me why I had to wear them. These days I wear contact lenses which I love!
Week 6: Love, Love, Love! I thought about creating this card about the people I love... but there wasn't the room for that so I did it about what I'm looking for. I'll let the journaling on the card speak for itself.

Week 7: Shoes - there is always a story to tell. I do remember those patent leather black shoes I had when I was a kid. I thought I was so flash in them... and yes, both my girls had them when they were little too! These days I seem to wear either boots in the winter or sandals in the summer... I only ever seem to own a maximum of three pairs of shoes at a time. The shoes I remember coveting the most were 'Treks' back in high school. I SO wanted a pair!!!

Week 8: Who (or what) do you miss? This one was an easy choice... I miss Nana... sometimes a lot! She was my Great-Grandmother and we loved each other to bits! Her hands were quite misshapen from arthritis but I remember thinking she had the most beautiful hands in the world because they were kind hands. She was a very gentle person and she often kept her thoughts to herself but there was a special magic about her. Pink and pale green were her favourite colours :)

Week 9: Inspiration found! Everywhere I look I get inspiration... sometimes it's listening to a song on the radio, other times it might be a conversation. Sometimes it's a photo or piece of paper. Sometimes it's from looking at scrapping magazines or blogs. The other day I noticed the neighbours net curtains and thought they would make a fantastic background paper LOL. This card was a lot of fun and really enjoyed playing with a few of my favourite colours, items and techniques.I hope you enjoy the cards and you can be sure I'll be back later in the week with another installment. Please leave a comment because I do read them all and I really appreciate your thoughts! Happy creating :)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I've made a start!

At the beginning of 2007 Emily Falconbridge designed an art journal journey she nicknamed a 'Deck of Me'. Each week she posts new challenge on her blog and she's currently up to Week 36 BUT I only found the blog a couple of weeks ago so I'm starting out at the beginning and at some point I'm bound to catch up! So far I've completed Weeks 1 - 4 so that's not bad going!

Emily's challenges are quite thought provoking at times and I'm having quite a bit of fun using up all sort of scraps that are left over from making layouts. It's also a great way to try out new techniques that I'm not too sure about without worrying about messing up my 12 x 12's.

I've decided to make mine into some sort of book at the end... probably with a hole punched in a top corner and threaded onto a ring but if you have any other ideas please leave me a comment!

Here's my front cover:
Then I made an index page just to remind myself of where the idea for this came from: Week 1: something you are proud of. It was hard to choose just one thing... being a mum? completing teachers college? overcoming a brain aneurysm? in the end I chose being proud of taking chances and following my dreams.
I found a great little quote by Mark Twain that I wanted to include but it wouldn't fit so I made a tiny card to go under the butterfly and it worked pretty well:Week 2: what is powerful to you? Lots of things came to mind for this one too... like I said, some of the challenges are really thought provoking! In the end I chose learning to live from my heart which is becoming more and more important to me as I get older.
Week 3: I am... Yep it happened again... I am 36? I am a mum? I am a teacher? I am creative? Nope... my biggest challenge these days is finding balance so... I am constantly trying to find balance in my life!
Week 4: A symbol you love. This one was much easier to choose. I just love the koru and what it represents! I also love paua shell so putting the two together gave me an awesome result.
So that's the first four prompts completed. I'd love to hear your comments so please don't be shy!