Monday, September 24, 2007

More Creativity :)

This challenge is definitely making me think about my life. I'm really enjoying the prompts although at times it's hard to decide what I want to focus on! I'm loving hearing what you all think of the cards too... thank you so much for the positive feedback!!! I've managed to do another four cards this week so here's the update:
Week 10: note to self. At first I was going to journal all those little things that if you could go back in time you would tell yourself... but that might have been a journal in itself! Instead I decided to use it as a reminder of the important things to me... and when I thought about it most of those were the really simple things in life.
Week 11: your initial. What a cool prompt! I've always liked the letter S. I think it's the curvy line and it's kind of scripty... and as a kid I always like the different ways you could make it look fancy :) Plus it looks great in a signature!

Week 12: I believe... There were quite a few options for this prompt... I believe that good manners are important... I believe that children often show us how to be happy... I believe that family can be one of our greatest gifts (or the greatest bug bears!) but in the end I chose believing in my dreams! I honestly think that when you do something passionately and with your whole heart then you really can't fail!

Week 13: What's on your mind? Lately I've had so many ideas running around in my head... ideas for layouts, projects I want to do, things I have to do and at times it's felt like my mind is going to explode... so with that in mind I chose thinking about the quiet times... rejuvenating by walking along the beach or through the forests and taking time to clear my thoughts so that I can focus clearly on the next thing.

Thanks again for all your wonderful comments :) I'm off to get some more creating done!


Anonymous said...

wow you have been going great guns! so fun to see your cards :)

Marjolein said...

As always, I love your cards!!! Like the way all your cards have the same font!! Well.....just like them a lot!

Tristan said...

Love your take on the prompts for the cards!

Paula J Atkinson said...

This is really awesome & I adore the nature pages.
It is going to be pretty fantastic when completed.

Je@net said...

Wow, your cards are fantastic! Love them al!

Jen said...

Great cards!

Unknown said...

Another lot of beautiful cards!