Sunday, October 4, 2009

Weeks 28 - 30

Well it's about time isn't it!! To be honest... the prompts have been in my head... I've been putting aside the photos... I just haven't been getting them done! This week I'm aiming to catch up completely again :)

Week 28: Take care of YOU!

As a lot of other mothers' do... I generally take care of everyone else and forget to take care of me but I learnt the hard way that sometimes you actually NEED to take care of you so that you're ok too!

The journaling reads: How often do you take care of everyone else and then end up sick yourself?

With all the 'sniffles' and 'snuffles' going around school it was no wonder that I caught a few bugs! What amazed me has how sick I got!

On a scale of 1 to 10 this bug was right up there! I wasn't much good to anyone! I certainly couldn't teach... and I was fairly useless at home as well!

In the end it became a matter of taking care of myself!

Instead of just soldiering on I had to actually stop and rest!

I learnt that sometimes your body actually gets the last say! Even though we sometimes think we know best!

So it's been early nights around here! The funny thing is that it made the girls more responsible for helping out around the place... and that's got to be a really good thing!

I'm still learning to take time out to relax... it's something I actually seem to fight (no idea why??) But I'm definitely getting better at listening to what my body needs... and if it NEEDS sleep or relaxation then who am I to argue??

Week 29: The funny side

This week it's all about trying your best to see the 'funny' side in a situation that doesn't actually 'feel' that funny!

The journaling reads: We've all had those days when it doesn't matter what you do... it's WRONG!

Yesterday was one of those days! My friend and I were in town... we were extremely tired and things just weren't going right.

In an effort to make things easier I offered to cook dinner... BAD idea! We should have just got takeaways!

Anyway... one of my speciality dishes is fettucine with chicken and a lovely creamy mustard sauce. Esther said she had a past machine so decision made!

The dough came together perfectly, then we set up the machine... and disaster struck!

The machine kept clumping the dough! It was all looking pretty BAD!!!

In the end I cooked up the pasta... the fettucine as well as the clumps! It looked like gnocchi so we decided to call it Gnoccho-cine! It's probably more Italian than Dominoes!

We actually ended up laughing ourselves silly... and repeating "Gnoccho-cine... it's more Italian than Dominoes"... which was terribly funny to US! But it actually tasted pretty good :)

Week 30: Space

This week it's all about clutter & space!

The journaling reads: Let's face it... sometimes we get so used to our own space that we don't actually see it anymore!

How often have you looked around your home or work place without actually noticing what's there?

I get so used to my own clutter that I just stop noticing it!

I came home from work one day... leaving behind a very cluttered desk!... and walked into my bedroom and realised just how cluttered it had become!

So... I decided to give my room a makeover. Nothing extreme... no painting or wallpapering.

All I did was move things around, throw things out and re-organise.

Then I bought a new duvet set, some nice sheets (chocolate coloured :) ) and a couple of candles. I also opened a box of special things I had been saving and hung them on the walls.

The end result felt like a million dollars! I love my new space!!!

A couple of months on and I STILL love my space! It feels calming, relaxing and a little bit 'grown up' which I like :)

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